Finding your device’s battery draining while charging can be a concerning issue as it can cause significant disruption to your daily life. Whether it is a laptop, smartphone, or tablet, all devices rely on their batteries to stay powered and active. When the battery starts to drain while charging, it is important to investigate the cause and take the necessary steps to remedy the situation.

In this blog post, we will discuss why your battery might be going down while charging, what you can do to prevent it from happening, and ultimately how to keep your devices running at optimum performance. We will provide you with all the information you need to make sure your devices are always charged and ready for use.

1. Not using the right charger

One of the most common reasons why your battery is going down while charging is because you’re not using the right charger. Different devices require different chargers, so if you’re using a charger that isn’t specifically designed for your device, it may be incompatible and not charge your device properly.

Additionally, if you’re using a cheap charger or one of poor quality, it may not work as efficiently as a genuine charger. Make sure to use the right charger or one of high quality to ensure your device is being charged properly.

2. Overcharging the battery

One of the most common reasons why your battery is going down while charging is because you are overcharging it. When a battery is overcharged, it can become damaged and the damage could be permanent.

This can cause your battery to not hold a charge for as long as it should, or for the charge to drain faster than normal. Overcharging can also cause your device to heat up and present a safety hazard. To prevent this from happening, make sure to remove your device from the charger when it is fully charged.

3. Charging the battery with a worn out cable

One of the biggest causes of a battery going down while charging is a worn out charging cable. Over time, the pins inside the charging cable can become bent or damaged, which can lead to an unreliable connection and slow charging.

If you notice that your battery is going down while charging, it’s important to check if the charging cable is still in good condition. If the cable is damaged, then it’s time to purchase a new one to ensure your device is charging properly.

why is my battery going down while charging


4. Phone not being optimized for the battery

If your phone battery is draining quickly while it’s charging, it could be a sign that the battery is not being optimized for the device. This is usually caused by outdated software, or if you’ve recently installed a large number of applications on your device.

To solve this, try to update the device software and reinstall any apps that may be causing an issue. Additionally, make sure you’re using the right charger for your device, and always unplug your device once it’s fully charged.

5. Device having a lot of background applications running

Many people are familiar with the phenomenon of their device’s battery going down while it is still charging. One of the most common causes of this is having a lot of background applications running, most of which you may not even be aware of.

This is because these applications are running in the background of your device, using up resources and battery power without you even knowing it. To ensure your device charges efficiently, it is important to close any applications you are not using and periodically check your device to make sure no applications are running in the background.


In conclusion, there are a number of reasons why your battery is going down while charging. These include hardware and software issues, as well as environmental factors. It is important to identify the cause of the issue so that you can take the necessary steps to reduce the rate of battery depletion. If you are still unable to identify the cause, you should contact an expert for advice.

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